Exodus 4:11

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Just call me bad mommy

Okay, I am the world's worst blogger. I started out gung ho and now rarely post, yet I love to read other people's blogs...hmmm maybe I just like to snoop. Anyway it has been way too long since my last post here. I sincerly apologize.

Cayla is now 21 lbs and growing like a weed. Unfortunately, she has been sick with sinus stuff for two months now. We are on our 3rd antibiotic. At least she is good about taking the medicine.

She is happy most of the time, but when she gets mad watch out. She got mad at her big brother this week and sat in the floor and kicked him..hard!! Then the next morning she walked over to him and hit him for no reason. Zane said, "Cayla is going on the naughty list." Too funny.

Cayla is talking a little more. Mostly jibberish, but she can say momma finally. She says dadda a lot. She can also say hi, bye, dog, Zane, Judy and ball. Her favorite word to say and least favorite to hear is NO. We were in the car recently and her first "sentence" was uttered out of the blue. She said, "NOOOOOO Zane." It was funny, I was laughing so hard I was about to cry....the she said NOO Cayla. That was the last time I have heard her say Cayla. If you ask where is Cayla she pats her tummy.

She is in love with her daddy. He moved back to town and has been spending more time with the kids. Cayla will barely let Zane near John. And when he is around she forgets anyone else exists. It is cute and he eats it up....but she could show me a little love.

Well, Melissa took some pics at Thanksgiving. I will try to get her to post.

In the meantime, you better not pout, you better not cry, I'm telling you why, Santa Claus is coming to town. Don't be like Cayla and get on the naughty list.


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