Exodus 4:11

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

20 months old

I just realized Cayla is 20 months old. Nearly 2...oh my gosh where has the time gone. Tonight we went to Feast of Sharing a meal provided by a local grocery store for the community. The meal was good and it was free. Zane and Cayla both liked the ham best... I liked the mashed potatoes and bread (maybe that is why I am fat and they are skinny). After the meal we went to the children's area where the kids colored a Christmas card for a soldier, and made reindeer out of the kids foot and hand prints. I am going to try to make another one at home for John. I usually just give him the cool stuff...but this one I want to keep.

After the reindeer making, we stood in line and stood in line and stood in line to see Santa. Zane got his face painted while Grampy and Cayla stood in line. Then we all stood together again. When we finally got to Santa, Zane went right to him and sat down, but Cayla cried. I put her in his lap and she waved her hands around and cried. So that was one picture...then Zane did one alone, then we did one more with her screaming in Santa's lap and finally one of Cayla standing by Santa still crying but not as much. I guess it is good that she is afraid of strangers but it was funny because she usually flirts with every man we see...maybe she prefers clean shaven men.

I am going to move the kids around after the new year. It looks like Amanda will be staying in Arkansas so I will put one kid in her room and leave the other one in the currently shared room. I think I am putting Zane in the front room and keeping Cayla where she is, but all this may change. I haven't converted her bed yet, so I better try that first. I think I will do that over Christmas break.

More later along with pics.


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