Exodus 4:11

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Back on Track

I tried to blog an update the other night, but it never posted. Sorry for the long delay.

Cayla had her 2 week post op check up the other day and it was great. The neurosurgeon looked at her for a few seconds and said she was perfect. "The most beautiful baby ever." I totally agreed with that sentiment. He said he couldn't believe how good she looked and I said, wait a minute you told me she would look like this. I think he was just amazed at how well she is doing already. Hardly any swelling and one little bruise--and that is all gone already. I think, no make that know that it is because she was prayed for.

She went back to day care and is in a pretty good routine. She didn't lose any of her skills, in fact I think she leaped ahead in some areas. It is so amazing to see how well she holds her head up now and that it doesn't tilt to the side. It is also so cool for me to see her actually turn her head. She is a real trooper.

I am a little concerned about a knot on her right eyebrow. Of course I am probably just hyper sensitive. I just don't want the resorbable stuff to have become displaced. No more surgery for my baby. Other than that she looks like a normal baby. I am so glad. It was very traumatic for me.

Cayla will never know her dad and that makes me sad. She says da da a lot and it sounds so sweet, but he will never hear it. I am glad she has a Heavenly Father, but sometimes we need our earthly Daddy. She loves to reach up and touch your face. It is so sweet and just another thing he will never experience. If she doesn't think you are paying attention to her, she will just put both hands on your face, like a big girl saying hey look at me.

She had sweet potatoes today and liked them. So now she has had fruit and veggies and cereal. I can't believe how she is growing. In three days she will be 6 months old. Man how time flies. I am sure we will post 6 mon. photos soon. Until then, thanks for the prayers and well wishes.


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